Whitewater Valley Wine Society


Venue: The Raven Hotel, Hook , RG27 9HS
Meetings: Usually second Wednesday of the month, starting at 8pm .
Contact: Secretary Keith Cooper. ( kcooper.medlar@btinternet.com)
Membership: Open, but nearing limit
Membership Fee: £15 per year
Approximate Cost of Events:Normally Members £20, Guests £24 Some premium events attract a higher charge
Typical Attendance: 35-40 people.

Club Information

The Whitewater Valley Wine Society is a local wine appreciation society, based in Hook, Hampshire. Our aim is to be friendly, welcoming and to provide a good mixture of fun, learning and social events. If you enjoy wine, then we’re confident you’ll be interested in our tastings and special events.

The Society has been established for over 20 years and during that time we have tasted wines from almost every part of the world. Most of our evening tastings are led by a guest speaker and we try to introduce some new speakers, whilst retaining our favourite speakers who return to present different topics on a regular basis. Such is the popularity of our tastings that attendance is usually approximately 40 members.

From time to time, we also organise additional special events, including gourmet weekends, visits to local restaurants, barbecues, and summer garden parties.

If you’d like to attend one of the regular Wednesday evening tastings, then we ask you to please book your place in advance by contacting Keith Cooper by e-mail or phone 07976 272822. Members are asked to bring their own glasses to meetings. If you have to cancel your booking within 48 hours of the meeting, or fail to turn up, there will be a charge of £8 a head.

Programme 2025
Wed 8 Jan Riebeek Valley Wine Co, Swartland Richard Addison
Wed 12 Feb Members' Choices
Wed 12 Mar Quinta da Pedra Alta, Portugal Andy Broiwn
Wed 9 Apr tba
Wed 14 May Boutique Wines of the New World Preet Sahota
Wed 11 Jun tba Marion Tardiveau










Wed 8 Jan Riebeek Valley Wine Co, Swartland Richard Addison
Wed 12 Feb Members' Choices
Wed 12 Mar Quinta da Pedra Alta, Portugal Andy Broiwn
Wed 9 Apr tba
Wed 14 May Boutique Wines of the New World Preet Sahota
Wed 11 Jun tba Marion Tardiveau











Club News