HASS(HQ)RA Wine Club

Venue: Central London Offices
Meetings: Normally third Thursday of month at 6pm
Contact: Graham Kent, Chair (graham.kent@dwp.gsi.gov.uk)
or Teresa Cox, Secretary (teresa.cox@dwp.gsi.gov.uk)
Membership: Limited to members of the Department of Health and Social Security
Recreational Association. Accredited guests are welcome.
Membership Fee: £3 a year
Cost of Events: £10 upwards (guests pay a premium)
Typical Attendance: 30

Club Information

The club is part of the Department of Health and Social Security Recreational Association, and subject to their rules. Meetings are held at a number of departmental buildings – after the recent departmental moves these are Caxton House, Westminster , DoH, Buckingham Place Road, and Wellington House at Waterloo . Several weeks’ notice of each meeting are given by e-mail, including details of the wines and the venue. Advance bookings are required, as places are often sold out, especially for single flight tastings which form the majority of events. Security must be given names of attendees, and payment is required in advance.

Presenters, many of them regular visitors, generally show nine or ten wines, and cheese and biscuits are provided. Comments and questions are welcome, and wines marked on a 7 point scale.

We have changed the pattern of meetings, so that although they are usually on the third Thursday, there are some variations. In March we meet on second Wednesday. In April there is no meeting because of the timing of Easter. There is, instead, an extra meeting on Tuesday 1 July. December is on the second Thursday. Again, there are no meetings planned for January or August



Programme 2020
Thu 20 Feb Australia v New Zealand Lincoln & Mark
Thu 19 Mar The Innocent Palate Paul Mapplebeck
Thu 13 Apr From Chris's Cellar Chris Smith
Thu 21 May Patagonia Ian McLaren
Thu 18 Jun Bring a Bottle
Thu 17 Sep Sparkling Wines Mark Segal
Thu 15 Oct More from Chris's Cellar Chris Smith
Thu 12 Nov Eastern Europe Jane & Mark
Thu 10 Dec Port Paul Mapplebeck
















Club News